A new Hoster for bingo, After more then a few requests,
Iv relented and made this...
It has Free, Pot & Odds mode's.
Any game you can pick for Bingo, you can Also pick as Jackpot
(Watch out for Ebil hosts <G>)
It also has some new "HardCode" games that couldn't
be programmed into any of the older hosters or cards,  Plus...

For Help using the Hoster

Current Version is v1.10
Fixed a bug with the JP games where it always thought the games were twisted.
Added in the option to watch ALL players cards in one go.
Fixed a slight display bug for some users.
Fixes in Version v1.09

Added a warning when grabbing Tokens if its the same Amount & Avie as the time before
(This will stop you adding it twice by mistake)
Added a warning if you try to start a game which is a different type to the round just played
(eg just done a round of POT bingo and click FREE - Yes Im the 1 who's done that <G>)
Fixes in Version v1.08
Added option to "say" the pattern of the bingo game (Right-Click announce game)
Fixed it so you can put players on watch before you start calling numbers
Changed the Macro setup so if you start the 1st line with a " it will not say that line
(used for putting a different title on the popups when you hover over a number on left)
The hoster will now load back in the same place on screen as it was closed,
but will reset if more then half is off the screen (so you cant "lose" it)
Fixes in Version v1.07
Fixed a Bug in POT mode where it would always say the player paid for FULL cards
Fixed the Recover for POT Mode to show the Bets correctly.
Fixes in Version v1.06
Fixed a wording error in v1.06 where it said someone had already won a prize
when instead they were too late.
Fixes in Version v1.05
Added the option to automatically discard a 2nd bingo call from someone
who has already won that round (for when you have 2 or more cards per round)
Fixes in Version v1.04
Fixed a Slight display error in the LogFile when people had ASCII in their names
Added the option to start a new round even if you haven't finished the current round
Fixes in Version v1.03
Added the Option so players can Donate to the POT as well as Jackpot.
Fixes in Version v1.02

Made some changes to the way you collect bets for Odds mode.
Fixes in Version v1.01

Fixed a bug with getting bets with POT & ODD's that could possible crash the hoster.

Download Installer
BingoHostSetup.exe - v1.10 - 13th April 2007