Bingo Player Card
This is BrandNew Bingo card, It has all the games to match my NewHoster,
It comes PreProgramed with the most common games
and also allows you to add your own games


If you're having problems typing while auto is turned on,
its likely you have the Speed setting too low (bottom right of card)
Try raising the number until you feel you can type naturally.

Current Version is v1.10
1.) Fixed a slight compatibility issue with Kenn's Hoster
2.) Slightly changed how you select a bingo/jackpot game as sometimes it wouldn't actually change the game...
3.) The cards that are not selected will now grey out so its easier to tell which cards you are about to register.
4.) For the visually impaired I have now also included a 2nd version in the installer which is a lot bigger in size. Imaginatively called - "BigBingoCard"...
Current Version is v1.09
1.) Fixed the macro's so they are Auto-Friendly
(i.e. they now work when Auto is turned on <G>)
Current Version is v1.08
1.) Changed the code to reduce the lagg when calling bingo (should be much faster now)
2.) Added Triplets & Quads to the HardCode games
3) Fixed the problem where it called bingo straight away
Fixes in Version v1.07
1.) Fixed a bug created in v1.05 that caused the Card to call JackPot over & over..
Fixes in Version v1.06
1.) Fixed a ReSize bug on some systems.
2.) Fixed a bug that stopped you closing the card if you poof'ed out of Vzones.
Fixes in Version v1.05
1.) Increased the Number of cards from 6 to 10 (can hide extra 4)
2.) No need to clear if Bingo Called by mistake, Just change the game and continue
3.) Added some "Tips" so make card easier to understand
Fixes in Version v1.01
1.) Fixed a Problem with Horizontal Games.

Download Installer
BingoCardSetup.exe - v1.10 - 20th Mar 2007